Bently, Keira, Tessa and I took a little trip to Hillridge Farms to pick some pumpkins and enjoy the fall atmosphere. I told Keira and Bently that they could choose any pumpkin they wanted as long as they could carry it. Bently wanted nothing to do with having to carry something himself. (Poor kid was still a little sick - really couldn't blame him.)
Keira, on the other hand, was delighted to do somthing all by herself. She carried it to the picnic table where we had lunch and then lost interest.
We ended up not coming home with a single pumpkin.
Let me just say that it was all I could do to tote and keep track of 3 children plus their belongings.
Pumpkins were really just unnecessary baggage!

One of the highlights was the train ride ~ always a favorite!

My personal favorite was the corn pit.
Millions of kernels of corn housed in this little octagonal house. It was like a sandbox but with corn. You had to take your shoes off to go inside - once you stepped in . . .
you were swallowed up to your knees in corn. Keira was a bit sceptacle, seeing as how it was a bit difficult to walk in such circumstances.
So she thought it best to just bloom where planted.
Bently, thought it was wonderful! Until . . .
he tried to traverse the pit.
he decided on swimming as the best method of mobility!
And then contentment once again!
But the part of the outing that will melt my heart and make me
smile for the rest of eternity . . .

And as for little Tess . . .
she enjoyed the trip too in her angelic, sleepy sort of way!