Friday, August 14, 2009

Beachy Stuff

We (Aimee, Autumn and I) went to the beach and May and it was great! We all went swimming, had a wonderful day together, and learned a few things . . .

1. We don't enjoy taking young children to the beach for a day.

2. They don't last very long on the actual beach. So after 2.5 hours of driving, .5 hours of trekking everything done to the beach, and 2 hours on the beach . . . they are ready to go home.

3. However, since you aren't staying near the beach - you cannot clean yourself off very well. So you're all sandy, the children are all sandy, and you have to spend the next 2.5 hours in the car like that.

4. And even though you brought a weeks worth of food with you - everyone is starving. Again. So you must stop somewhere on the way home to eat.

5. When all is said and done. It is a great time! But a very long day for 2 hours of playing on the beach!

So we decided to try it again!

This is the crowd we brought! Six of them and three of us.

  • We stayed on the beach this time! There was a small backyard where the kids could play, and at our leisure we could walk down to the water - and back again.
  • We got very sandy and dirty indeed! But there was a shower outside as well as two inside!
  • We stayed for 4 days.
  • We had more fun than I could ever recount in words!

(notice the tiny little hand holding on to the right side of the bucket)

We survived . . . and wanted to go back the very next week!

1 comment:

FitNotQuitJess said...

You guys are SO brave! I don't know if I would be brave enough for that but looks like you guys had a BLAST! P.S. the kids are getting so big!