Thursday, February 4, 2010

We Have SNOW

Our winter stormhas come!  And left us with a few inhe of snow - and a little ice underneath!  So exciting until we reaized that our heater was done for - and that the ENTIRE city was litrally shut down. 

Still, good times to be had by all (especially since Ben was in town!)
Our neighbor let us borrow his dream sled from Poland - I'm thinking we need to make a trip there!

I love this pctre because you can see all the neighborhood kids playing out in the street.

 Church was cancelled on Sunday (so sad - hee hee), so we went to Aimee and Steve's house for some fun!
They have a great downhill driveway, that continues downhill to the edge of the forest.

Oh yes - and a warm house!

Yes kids, this is hat happens to your toys after you go to bed!

So the town shut down (really and truly - even REI......closed).

Then church was cancelled!

Of course no school on Monday - although it was in the high 30's.

No school on Tuesday.   I did however see a snowplow with the plow pointed in the wrong directon so that the snow piled up into he middle of the road!

No school on Wednesday - temperature now in the 40's with lots of sun!

2 Hour delay on Thursday. 

I think we might be back to normal by Friday!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Bummer that we missed out on the fun! I can't believe everything was shut down for so long. I hope your house is warm now!