Monday, January 11, 2010


So much to be thankful for at Grandma and Grandpa's house!
Amidst all the chaos and dust of remodeling, it is a bit of heaven to be together . . .
and the farm just feels like home to us.

Daily walks through the cornfields lead to something exciting at the end.

Much better than a lucky pot of gold are some cows!

Grandpa's tractor is just as much fun turned off and parked as it is turned on. But just in case, theese two were willing to wait for a willing soul to take them on a ride. And I can't lie that Dakota and I weren't just as excited to try it out! Turns out we could all have a ride on the tractor at the same time!

I asked my dad why on earth he needed a tractor. A foolish question I was later to find out. When we went back to Michigan in December and the tractor (which was getting a new clutch) would have been really nice for our 4 plus feet of snow piles which were growing by the hour at times down a 1/2 mile driveway.

Taking care of the horses never really seems like a chore.

Especially to one who wears cowboy boots daily and whose best bud is a stick horse!

Keira discovered her love for cats.

It transformed her in a way and she hasn't really come back to her human form since.

Just so thankful for family and this beautiful world Heavenly Father has created for us.

His love is almost tangible at time like this...


Will & Cheyenne said...

What a beautiful day!

Marty said...

You take the most beautiful pictures. It helps that your kids are so stinkin cute!

FitNotQuitJess said...

1) When did your parent's move? Where? Looks like they're enjoying "country" life!
2) Where those two beautiful young women Tara & Taylor?!?! WOW! Where did time go? Seems like they were Bently's size last time I saw them!