Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Somedays are just like this -

Keira: Mom, I said I wanted fish sticks right now.
Me: Alright!

Somedays are just like this.
I can't help but laugh . . .
and ask her if she still wants fish sticks for lunch!

PS: Yes, I burned the fish sticks right through the plate - I may have ruined our microwave because it still smells bad every time I open it.
PPS: The blue plates are Bently and Keira's favorite. As in they fight about them three times a day. One less blue plate only means an increase in the demand. hmmm.
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FitNotQuitJess said...

Mom's can't be perfect...but that is pretty funny (sorry)

Annie Leavitt said...

i here ya-i would just give the other blue plate away. we can't have one of anything around here! : )