Saturday, January 9, 2010

Just Another Day at the Park

That's really all this is.
And it's a big part of our lives.
It takes up about 60% of our playtime.

(Right after I took this picture we were headed down a very gradual hill and I knew Keira would get a little nervous on the bike. So I reminded her to keep her hands on the handlebars. A second later she not only took her hands off - but also her feet! She very slowly went through a little wooded area and then slowly and gently tipped over. I was dying trying not to laugh!It was very traumatic for her!)

(And this was very traumatic for me. I was helping Tessa out of the stroller and when I turned around this is where Bently was! He climbed up and then took off his shoes and threw them down. I tried to climb up one side only to have him run to the other. New strategy. I tried to cheerfully and non-chalanty coax him down. Nothing. I just watched and panicked inside. At one point a man walked by and laughed saying "mom, you've got nerves of steel". Obviously, he eventually just decided to come down. I will live about 8 years less now from this little trick.)

Anyway, just another day at the park.

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1 comment:

Marty said...

Oh how I miss just showing up to random parks with you. You are truly a good friend and a wonderful mother mother!!